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Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

September 7, 2018

What if the New York Times is Orchestrating a #Coup?

Just think about it. Take a "Noos" organization that believes in the Saul Alinsky doctrine and the Orwellian utopia. Find a disloyal un-elected civil servant on the White House staff. Or don't. Make the person up. Why not? Who's gonna know? You'll hide behind the Constitution you hate so much anyway. Give that person or persons reward for turning on the president and backing your plan. You know, the plan all the "let me tell you how big a threat the president is to the country" corrupt hypocrite treasonous idiots tell you is "for the people." Yeah, right. Then that "newz" organization publishes a fake news story about how the White House is in turmoil and they're thinking of invoking the 25th Amendment. You know, the same anti-constitution haters using the constitution for their own ends. Well, at least the parts they like. The White House isn't actually in turmoil, but tell gullible Americans and yourselves something enough times and they'll believe it. So will you. Then, in order to counter all the people calling bullshit on you, put out how "respected" of a "neuzz" organization you are . Say "how dare you question us!" You know, that sort of arrogant shit. Disregard the fact that after insulting the president over his assertions that a deep-state exists in government and they are out to get him, YOU JUST PROVED HIM RIGHT! You also proved him right when it comes to the bias and complicity in anti-constitutional activities by the mainstream media. Yep. Congratulations! You just outed yourselves for the seditious tools of liberals you actually are!!! You just proved all of our assertions that the media is Anti-American, anti-Constitution, pro-liberal, and about as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Boom! Knuckleheads! For all your arrogant bloviating about the credibility of the "fourth Estate" and the value of a "free press," you just showed us how you are Bought and Paid-For. There might be a free press somewhere, but it sure as hell isn't around here. Acts of treason and sedition are now supported by the liberal press. Further evidence of this is in the following: Why the New York Times? Why not the Washington Post? Why not the Chicago Tribune? You know Obama's behind some of this so why not? Is it because Woodward and Bernstein are slinging their bullshit while the New Yorker is pushing Bernstein's new book and the Times is hocking Woodward's anti-Trump book on the best seller list? Again, why the New York Times? Trump's hometown newspaper, right? You corrupt, immoral, seditious fools. What do you get for ruining Trump and quite possibly the country? Still snake-bit after the election? Are you of such low character you can't accept the results of the election? Why are you such staunch supporters and such rabid defenders of Hillary Clinton?  Afraid she'll "suicide" you? I say one of your goals is the continued deflection of the spotlight off your liberal allies (who have something over you or promise you some reward I will never figure out). Obama interfered with the German elections, but you bury that along with John Podesta's dealings with the Russians. The deep-state democrats and the news media supported an illegal dossier leading to an illegal FISA warrant and fruit-of-the-poison-tree prosecutions of Paul Manafort and others for things they did that had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump, then somehow managed to get that stink on the president. They know it's wrong. They know guilt by association is bad, but they let it happen. Then the democrat-led corrupt special counsel (supported by the corrupt media) does their dirty work on Trump's attorney, effectively ending attorney-client privilege, and the media keeps their mouths shut. If it was happening to a democrat, they would be screaming from the rooftops, but ironically, the ACLU ignored that one. The media was all over David Petraeus and supported his prosecution for three confidential emails found in a locked desk drawer, but thousands of secret and top-secret emails on a server in Hillary Clinton's bathroom and the media down-plays it and calls it a republican witch hunt. Corruption and graft. Someone was getting rewarded for their support. You know it. I know it. An army private doing such things would have gone straight to jail. The media ignores how democrats promise to rapidly expand medicare after the next election. What happened to Obamacare? Wasn't that the democrats great solution to all our problems? Wasn't it so vital we had to "vote it in so we could figure out what's in it" according to Nancy "I love illegals more than Americans" Pelosi? Isn't that why they suddenly loved John McCain? Where's the news on this one? Making sure they never cast any dirt on Barack Obama, that's where. I think the New York Times is complicit and actively engaged in a Coup against the President of the United States. Back in July, the publisher met with the President and later said  "I told the president directly that I thought that his language was not just divisive but increasingly dangerous. I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence." Maybe this is their further response?  He apparently never acknowledged the perpetual media  animus directed at the president and how that could lead to violence against Mr. Trump. He probably could care less. In Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, he states "Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage." The New York Times is using either an anonymous contact inside the White House or a fictitious contact they claim to be in the White House to continue their incessant ridicule of the duly elected president of the United States. It's a means to an end desired by the NYT. They want to orchestrate the successful removal of our sitting president through misinformation, propaganda, coercion, and trickery. Problem is, even though it's obvious to me, the news media will deny it...until they finish it. Along the way they will ruin every conservative politician who ever said a good word about Trump, and the drones that vote democrat will ensure the ruination of this country. Yep, I said it. Now watch it happen. This country is a car speeding toward a brick wall. A car not driven by Trump, but by the liberals and their lap-dog media.

July 2, 2018

Amazing! A Rant from October 16, 2016 is Still Valid!!!

In yet another edition of "TODAY'S INDIFFERENCE WITH BRAINCLOGGER," I comment on the following: -Today is "National Coming Out Day" and if there is anything called "less-of-a-shit," that's what I'm giving on that topic. So what, you're gay. Well woop-dee-freaking-doo, keep your sexual orientation issues to yourself. I don't give a crap. -Obama wants to send people to Mars. Personally, I'd like to send Obama to way...and help the rest of his sycophantic personality cult pack to go with him. Too bad he gives more to NASA than to the vets that shed their blood keeping this boiling cauldron called America free enough for him to fuck it up some more. National debt...that's all I have to say, the shell game of running us into debt we can't recover from while blowing smoke up our butts and telling us how great everything is...when it's not. But I digress. Nancy O'Dell is saying she's the woman Trump was talking about in his now infamous "P-word" rant. First, this cosmetic surgery queen strikes me as someone that feels some sort of desire to stay in the spotlight. I mean, why would you put yourself in the middle of that shitstorm? Oh, and her assertion that "men's locker room talk" has no place in government is absurd. Women talk trash too. Come on, you know you do. Admit it. You'll feel better. Besides, Trump isn't some kind of southern gent or metro-sexual douche-bag. He's a product of New York City. Only PC boot-lickers, "P-word-whipped men" and the women who own them are truly surprised by the supposedly "offensive" banter. Well, maybe not the latter. Sorry, I'm not offended either. It's not offensive to me. Besides, the true sell-outs are already in government with names like Ryan, Reid, Pelosi, Cruz, Chafitz, Obama, and Schumer. What is offensive is how the news media lets Hillary get away with anything and everything and are in "cahoots" with the dems. I mean, when the debate moderator went to your wedding, you rigged the debate. When your husband goes on a plane to talk to the attorney general the Friday before you're supposed to get in deep shit over mishandling classified data, then you don't, you rigged the system. When you say you're pro-woman but get dough from Saudi and no one calls you on it, you rigged the media. When you sell US government uranium to the Russians, who pay your foundation (not the govt), then you say the Russians are working with Trump, then the news backs you up on the Trump thing and ignores the uranium are completely corrupt and so are they (I could go on forever). Yep, above the law. She could punch a baby in the face in Times Square on national TV and the press would give her a pass. Truly offensive things are crimes against children, XXX stretchy pants, lawyers, fat people who claim their donut habit is caused by "low blood sugar," people that push their religion on others, fishermen that don't catch and release, and the fact no one seems to remember "sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me." Arrghh.

March 21, 2012

White House coke machine replaced by smoking crack.

When you are so political you think searching for long- term energy solutions that don't exist is more important than lowering the price of gas when it's at an historic're smoking crack.

When you believe it's smart to fly around in a couple 747's and military jets carrying your limousines and burning millions of dollars in fuel to go talk about the cost of're smoking crack.

When you haven't granted any lew oil leases, decreased the amount of federal land available to drill, but tell everyone you increased're smoking crack...not to mention lying.

When you give half a billion dollars to a solar company that fails and keep thinking your energy policy has a point other than politics and your energy secretary has come thing other than shit for're smoking crack.

March 21, 2010

Hi. I'm Obama, your Cruise Director

I want to be President. All I have to do is convince people I should be President. That's it. I don't have to be able to do it, just entitled. If I can guilt people into voting for me, all the better. Imagine the guilt I can bring when re-election time comes.

Once elected, I stay on the campaign trail. Hey, it works for Obama, the "Campaigner in Chief." Either he can't find his office, is too scared to step into the big tent and piss in the tall weeds with the big dogs, or he just knows his gift of gab is his ticket to the "magic carpet ride" known as his presidency. To anyone who has ever seen the HBO series Band of Brothers, Mr. Obama is the Lieutenant Dyke of presidents.

I think Obama would make a good cruise director on a cruise ship. Hey, he gets paid to travel, talk-to and usher people around (read: community organizer), and seeing him in odd places like morning on the excursion boat or introducing La Cage aux Folles at midnight doesn't seem weird. There's no personal attribution given in any of his spoken words and to the majority of sunburned, straw-hat-wearing, got my socks on with my sandals clueless Americans who naturally gravitate to the cruise director to find out what they should do next, he has a purpose. At the end of the day, he gets to usher you back aboard even if you're not ready to go, charges you an unexpected re-entry "tax" to get back on the boat (nothing more than asset redistribution kickbacks called "tips" for the crew), and gets to blame the whole thing on the needs and policies of "the ship." When absolutely necessary, he's around. Most other times, he's a ghost. He has no real responsibility for the operation of the ship or the success of the cruise line in general and doesn't want any, but has a title that creates the appearance of responsibility, authority, experience, and it ever-so the paper tiger.

Wait! Without the part about having a purpose, the last paragraph actually sounds like Obama's current job. The most traveled President in history; no big surprise. Refer back to paragraph 2.

Hi! Welcome to the Fantasy of the Seas. I'm Barry, your Cruise Director.

World declares Americans totally clueless!

On a day-to-day basis, I put up with a host of stupid shit. From political correctness, the demise of dignity and honesty, the furtherance of the welfare state, silly drivers, testosterone-laden asswipes, devious politicians and lawyers, no corn in the commissary, no place to get a decent sandwich in this one-horse town (I'm not in Naples), no broccoli rabe in the Kroger, nothing good on TV and on and on, not to mention separation from my wife and kids because of work. Well, I mentioned it after all.

All this fades in comparison (for the next two minutes) to our country's mamby-pamby, touchy-feely insistence on lying to each other, mollycoddling each other, convincing each other that Americans have some sort of entitlement and guarding people from what they really need most...a wake-up call!!! Now people are upset that if they go into the Obama real-estate welfare bail-out program, their credit scores drop so it hurts them in trying to get loans, credit cards, etc.

What the F--K? Are you serious? Do you realize what you're saying?

REALITY CHECK: You're saying now that you're getting bailed-out by the government because you can't pay your home loan, you're mad because you can't...get another loan? Really? What the news is saying is it's bad that people who can't afford their houses can't sign up for more loans they can't afford to stack on top of the home loan they can't afford. HELLOOOOOO!!!!!! What friggin planet are you people on?

Oh, I forgot the mantra of the PC America..."we have a right to this" and "we have a right to that." Blah blah blah. I say exercise your right to remain silent, you freakin morons. Your right to force the government to skim money from the people who actually pay their bills and give to the dipshits that don't infringes on my rights and pushes a far too intrusive government even further into my life.

All this smacks of ignorance and greed. Ignorance as to how to manage your money, ignorance in not understanding the type of financial product you're buying, and ignorance in becoming far too leveraged (definition for the ignorant is you bought too much shit on credit, don't own your house or car, spend too much, and don't have any money in the mattress in case something bad happens. Everything that comes in goes back out). Greed comes in because Americans feel they're entitled to have everything they want no matter if they can afford it. They buy six-bedroom houses when they don't even have any kids, finance more than one vehicle per family, have an average of SIX credit cards (definition for the ignorant is you bought more shit than you can pay for because you're greedy). An average of six cards; think about that. Our education system must be producing masses of mindless drones that know absolutely dick about how to manage their money but fall easy prey to marketing...convinced they need every damned thing someone says they do.

I should really be able to beeyatch-slap people back into reality. It pisses me off that some of us have to carry the weight for ourselves and those that can't carry their own. Is it fair that people should be forced by the government to do that?
I say if you have a house you can't afford, a boat in the driveway on a loan you don't need next to the motorcycle you have on a loan sitting next to the jet-ski, two cars on loans (one with $2500 rims), six credit cards near their max limit, 57" flat-screen TV's and a garage filled to capacity with stuff you don't use, no money for a rainy day, no solid college fund for your kids and you're talking about how bad you need to put in a pool, all the while your gluttonous ass has gotten so fat a family of pygmies could live inside your butt-cheeks, I should be able to slap the piss out of you.

...but wait. I're entitled to be a jackass. Just don't crap on old Brainclogger.

February 26, 2010

Obamacare Ponzi Scheme makes Madoff Blush. How to really do it.

The "health care summit" looked to me like a bunch of frogs trying to fornicate a football. Down the rabbit hole they're in, no one has the presence of mind to realize what they're trying to do.

Democrats talk of "premium discrimination" and elimination of pre-existing conditions. Non-starter. If you treat a healthy, athletic 21 year-old kid the same as a 55 year old man with diabetes and three prior heart attacks, the system will be unsustainable.

By treating all people alike and disregarding pre-existing conditions, you eliminate the risk rating that lies at the heart of all insurance, and you tell people that for every dollar they put in, they're guaranteed to receive multiples of that dollar in benefits, thus the ponzi scheme.

Here's the fix:
-assign each person risk based on their health. This would require a preventive maintenance health checkup. At that time, you establish a preventative program. Hey, and ounce of prevention, right?
-place high-risk people in a high-risk pool in order to spread the risk among a mass group, thus lowering the premium for all in the group. The lower the risk, the lower the cost. THAT'S FAIR.
-Require the high-risk group to practice preventative measures like exercise, weight loss, etc. They give some effort toward the program that covers them. THAT'S FAIR.
-Reduce or eliminate the waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid. Use the recovered money to pay for those unable to pay for their insurance. It's still taking money from Peter to pay for Paul, but much more palatable because of the trade off. Funny how we never expect the government to run a program free of waste, fraud, and abuse.
-establish a baseline medical benefit used as a COBRA for people on unemployment.
-require welfare recipients and those who simply refuse to work to perform some sort of labor for their medical benefit. Consider it community service.
-If a state establishes a better system, allow them to opt-out of the federal system.
-make insurance portability a law.
-eliminate medical conditions discovered at birth being considered pre-existing.
-establish a grace period for people to try and get into a lower risk group. For example, if someone is diabetic because of their weight, allow them time to drop weight. If they don't do it, then they go into the higher group. Put the responsibility on the citizen. THAT'S FAIR.
-Lay off union health care plans. If a union member pays for something, they should get it. If the unions can negotiate better plans than the government, don't penalize them. (Unbelievable I said that since I don't like unions)
-extend scholarships to more medical students and put them to work in the system after graduation. Same for nurses. The whole system will fail if they're aren't enough medical professionals.
-tort reform
-take the insurance company lobbyists out of DC and throw them in the Potomac.

The other option to these ideas is ask Bernie Madoff how to do it. You know what he'll say...

January 29, 2009

First thing he does is help the Stinking lawyers!

Surprise Surprise...the first piece of legislation ever signed by our oh-so-historic new president is not only patronizing to women but a boon to lawyers. How shocking (sarcasm). We put a liberal lawyer in and the first thing he does is enable a new deluge of figures. Then the two lead females, Miss Pants Suit and the Botox Queen are right there to gloat about women's rights and all the sour grapes Ms. Ledbetter spewed being squashed. Liberals absolutely detest the idea that women are nurturers and should be raising children and producing a quality American instead of letting day care do it. Sad sad sad.

October 25, 2008

Obama is a BABY KILLER

Is this what women want? Is this really what feminism is all about? Click on the title...please...

September 26, 2008

Never debate a lawyer

It's one of those things you learn as a kid, like "don't pee into the wind," or "never hit a chick," or "go on green, stop on red." Obama was slick, he was poised, he sounded great...but he's a suit, a lawyer, a stinking liberal, and a paper tiger with no experience or substance when compared to McCain. After all, you know what Shakespeare said about lawyers